Saturday, September 6, 2008


Hey Bloggers What's the Buzz? I don't know about you but I am syked about school starting again. It's my first year switching classes. My home room teacher is Mr. Malone. He is really tall- 6 ft. 5. He has to bend to get in the class room. My favorite subject is still lunch! LOL!!! Allrfight bloggers until next time.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Hey bloggers! Sorry I haven't been talking that much but I have been pretty busy. I am so excited that summer is finally here. I am going to volleyball camp, youth camp, camping in Salt Springs, and I am goin' to my cousin's birthday party. Well, blogg in some comments and tell me what you are doind this summer. I am going into the seventh grade next year and I can't wait for it to be here. My mom says once I get in tenth grade I am going to duel enroll into college so I will already be working on college when I am in high school. all right bloggers! Gotta go! See Ya!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year

Hey bloggers! How was your Christmas? I had a lot of fun. I can't wait for the new year. My Aunt is coming up from West Palm Beach. And she and her six kids are spending New Years with us. I am going to have a great New Year. My resolution is that I will get good grades and witness to more people. The only thing I hate about the new year is that in a week I have to go back to school. I don't really want to but I have to. I hope all y'all have a happy new year! I will type more next time. Oh! I almost forgot. Please pray for my pastor and their family and especially my cousin Kayla they all have strep throat and hope that they get better.bye.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Crazy CHRISTmas

Hey bloggers, what's the buzz? Well, I know that Christmas is my favorite time of year and I am having it at my house. It gets pretty hectic around this time of year. This year I want a laptop for Christmas but I doubt I will get it. I am going to write a poem for the candlelight service on December 24. It starts at 6:00 and will be lots of fun. We also are having a happy birthday Jesus party tomorrow at church. We would be glad if yall' could come. Until next time....

Monday, November 19, 2007

Turkey......Gobble Gobble

Bloggers, I have turkey good news! My Aunt Melony is having Thanksgiving at her house so my mom gets to do Christmas! Yeah!She has already got the Christmas stuff up and out. For Christmas I want a laptop, a I-Pod, and the Bee Movie. Write me back and tell me what you want for Christmas. But the main thing is to celebrate Jesus's birthday and know that He died for our sins. Have a good turkey day!!!